I am back... after a looonnng break, i miss you guys, i miss writing about all my beauty adventures..lol...miss all the feedback, good or bad, it doesn't matter, it's just beauty, and products, and skincare, well maybe not just....it is life, coz really when you think about it, when you are feeling beautiful and looking good, there is a certain bounce to your steps, you are happier, more confident, even friendler...tell me what else gives you so much LIFE...apart from GOD ALMIGHTY that is, (i know some of you will go there).#sideeyes#
Today i want to tell you about my experience with the latest beauty procedure in town...MICRO-BLADING...I went to get my lashes done at a new spot in Ikoyi, really nice place, clean surroundings and she uses real human hair, that was the selling point for me to try it out already, so anyways i am doing my lashes and she is telling me she got training in the UK and also in Asia for Micro-blading...hmm, i had heard about it but i had no idea anyone was doing it in Lagos, and i asked to see pictures of her work, and lo and behold, she had a lot of pictures of actual people she had worked on...wow...i was sold, coz i was already thinking, "gal, you're not using my brows as your practice to perfection"... but that wasn't the case at all, so i booked it for a week after, had wanted to do it that same day but apparently it takes about 3 hours, so you have to book ahead.
On my appointed day i get in on time coz i am so excited, i couldn't wait, i had read a lot about it online and it had good reviews, she gets me really comfortable and gives me a form to fill, with basic health questions coz you have to remember that it is a temporary tattoo and it has to be done by a trained, licensed aesthetician...do not let a quackery to be touching your face oh.. you are on your own there.
We finally decide on the shape of my brows by the shape of my face and the arch style i like, she then proceeds to mark and measure to get the exact brow shape...this is what actually takes all the time,we were at it for about 1.30mins marking and agreeing and cleaning and re-marking again till you are happy with the shape.
She then puts a numbing cream on the brows and leaves it for 30mins to take effect, after then the real deal starts, she shows me my blade, brand new, very tiny blade and she starts to cut tiny feathery like strokes to mimic your natural eyebrows, i don't feel anything coz of the numbing cream, it overstayed much longer than 30mins actually , after cutting she uses the ink on it and goes thru it again, so she does each eye brow twice and i still do not feel anything.
After the procedure you are advised not to wash the area for 24hrs and use a cotton to dab some coconut oil on it constantly coz it's healing and should never be left to dry up, you also have to come back 4wks after for a touch up, not washing my brow area for 24hrs was tough, i had to use face wipes only.
My eyebrows are LOVELY....i luv it, full and looks very natural, she used the chocolate colour ink for me so it looks real, don't get worried when you first get it done and it looks too much and dark, it gets better after one week, i was worried on day one, but now i am so happy i did it, it saves me time on make up and i always look so lit...you know your eyebrows can make or break your face.
Anyways this is my micro-blading experience, 2 more weeks for my touch up, can't wait...it lasts for about 12-18months..
Who wants to try it out, drop a comment and i will send you my lash and brow specialist details...A lovely week ahead to all my beauties....Ciao