Detoxification is definitely an art, coz you have to understand your body type to know which of the numerous detox programes will be right for you. Detoxification is simply cleaning the blood, this is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestine, lungs, lymph and skin, but when this is compromised impurities are not properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely can minimize this part.
You will know you need a detox when you start to feel unexplained fatigue, sluggish elimination, irritated skin, allergies, infections, bloating, eye bags, etc.
Basic ways to detox
- Water: It is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day....but with a detox you will have to have gallons of water...make sure there's always a loo close by so you don't embarrass yourself...i normally start my detox during the weekend, coz the first and second days are usually the most difficult for me.
- Green Tea: This is packed full of washes away toxins from the system and it contains antioxidant called catechins which also help to increase liver functions...i have this in the mornings coz when i take it at night i never sleep well...the oolong tea is also a good one.
- Cleansing Spices: A major cleansing spice for me is garlic coz i use it all the is one of the best detoxifying foods around....i suggest you use the odourless capsule forms, unless you want your spouse to run are cinnamon....i sprinkle this in my oats, others are turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper, cumin, oregano, fennel and rosemary.
- Fruits: Limes, oranges,grape and lemon...i have this lemon drink that i do....i dilute lemon with warm water most gives me life, i just sip it while dressing up...and i also recommend grape juice, it curbs your appetite while detoxifying your body too. Vitamin c is highly recommended in any detox program (citrus fruit acids).
- Omega 3 oils: examples are hemps, avocado, olive, flax seed, fish oils etc....this lubricates the intestinal organ walls allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil and then eliminated by the body.

- Green food/Veggies: Make sure to drink a lot of this....i tried the spirulina drink and it's really good.....other examples are spinach, alfalfa, chard, aragula, barley, wheatgrass....even our bitter leaf veg....very bitter but they give chlorophyll that boosts your digestive tract.
Now as a productjunkii....hehehe.....let me tell you all i have used
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar: I take this everyday...when i just started taking it, i had to close my nose and swallow it quickly because of the could also dilute with water or honey, it also helps to curb appetite...i recommend this to everyone.
Living Bitters: This helped me a lot after my NYSC...i was filled up with all kinds of toxins from camp, though i lost weight but....i'm sure you don't want me to go into details about all of really helped to clear my system and keep things moving again.
Guarapad anti toxin Pad....ehm...i was given this as a gift by my uncle who always tells me i use myself as a guinea asked me to try it while he waited to see if i'll i didn't collapse and i had it placed under my feet all night, in the morning it had turned black and i felt lighter and energetic it worked for me, but i haven't used it again.
Maple syrup diet (Master cleanse) or Lemon detox diet...omg...this was actually supposed to be a weight loss regime....i got hooked on this when i watched dreamgirls and saw how trim Bey looked...i did my research on it and i did it for 8days... oh lawd...i almost died coz this drains you, mentally and physically...if you can handle it, you could try but i'm never doing this detox ever consists of lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water, you also have to drink salt water and tea....after doing this though i felt skin was clear, my hair, everywhere was glowing...after a while though my weight came back, so i recommend it as a detox and not a weight loss program....coz really the only way to lose weight is to diet and exercise.

Juices: i love this's a blend of so many fruits...i do this often, right now i'm having kale, pineapple, mango, apple and a teaspoon of this.
When detoxifying you cut out alcohol, cigarette, sugar and processed foods, and also try to relax, get enough sleep, have massages and use a steam room/sauna....have body treatments that'll help your body get rid of toxins faster.
Please note that you should also always consult with your doctor first before embarking on any of these detox programs....and let me know which one worked for you....Ciao
Bravo!!!!!!!!! I love you girl for this post. I am definitely going to take apple cider vinegar from Braggs. A doctor friend recommended it last year.thanks for this post...
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome
DeleteWow this detoxing is really cool will try out one of the ways
ReplyDeleteVery true Eky!!! Love this!!
ReplyDeleteBabe this is coool, I am going to try the the fruit stuff and the apple cider. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello junky,my question is how many friuts do we mix up altogether and how often do we need to do the juice and what other juicing do you now. An addict to this blog hahahhaha.and how can we have your phone number.please waiting for your reply thanks
ReplyDeleteYou can do a one week detox every other could try the diff types that way too.....send me an email on for more details
Delete#thumbsup# I hv tried drinking bitter leaf juice, buh end up purging all day. Is dat part of d detoxificating? Pls I need ans.
ReplyDeletejunkiiiiii nwa mama! great job wil try the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar